Workshop on Business Models of successful R&D Digital Marketplaces
25th of March 2021, online.
The present workshop, organized under the auspices of the VIMMP EU project, is dedicated to better understanding and exploring the key ingredients and success factors of business models of existing and emerging scientific R&D Marketplace platforms. Participating companies and projects are given the opportunity to present the business models of their marketplace platforms by means of short pitch-like presentations. In addition, there will be an Investor perspective and plenty of time for discussion.
We thus hope that this event will encourage and foster synergies and collaborations between all such marketplace projects or companies, which should present an advantage for all participants involved.
Agenda of the workshop (all times are in Central European Time):
9:30 – 9:45 Welcome and introduction of participants
9:45 – 10:00 Digital Marketplaces for science based industrial R&D (Gabriele Mogni and Alex Simperler, Goldbeck Consulting Ltd)
10:00 – 11:00 Current Businesses and their business models (10 min presentation + 5 minute discussion)
• Matmatch, presented by Christophe Carrié (CEO)
• Materials Square, presented by Minkyu Park (CSO)
• OneAngstrom/SAMSON, presented by Stephane Redon (Co-founder and CEO)
• ideXlab, presented by Jean-Louis Lievin (Co-founder and CEO)
11:00 – 11:15 Break
11:15 – 12:15 Emerging marketplaces and business models
• VIMMP and MarketPlace, presented by Gerhard Goldbeck (MD of Goldbeck Consulting Ltd)
• Market 4.0, presented by Lorenzo Sutton (Senior Researcher at Engineering Group)
• DOME 4.0, presented by Amit Bhave (CEO of CMCL Innovations)
• WeldGalaxy, presented by Xenia Beltran Jaunsarás (Senior Project Manager and Head of Big Data at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
12:15 – 12:45 VC perspective, Kurt Stokbro (Stokbro Invest)
12:45 – 13:30 Discussion on key topics: funding, business models that work in materials science, size of market etc.
For further information and registration please contact:
Dr. Welchy Leite Cavalcanti
Phone: +49 (0) 421/2246-487
M21 Meeting in Bremen, Germany, 18th of October, 2019.
To be announced
M18 Meeting in Manchester, United Kingdom, 19th of June, 2019.
To be announced
EMMC VIMMP Webinars #1 Ontology, 24th of May, 2019.
Martin Horsch, Silvia Chiacchiera, Michael Seaton, Ilian Todorov (disseminated by Alexandra Simperler for GCL & EMMC-CSA) organized the EMMC VIMMP Webinar which can be found at:
EMMC-CSA, VIMMP, and MarketPlace Joint Webinar, 21st of May, 2019.
Our partners from STFC, Martin Horsch, Silvia Chiacchiera, Michael Seaton, and Ilian Todorov participated in the EMMC-CSA, VIMMP, and MarketPlace Joint Webinar.
EMMC Expert Meeting on Business Aspects of Digital Marketplaces, in EPFL – Lausanne (CH), 6th to 7th of May, 2019.
Gerhard Goldbeck (GCL) and Welchy L. Cavalcanti (IFAM) attended the EMMC Expert Meeting.
For more information visit:
EMMC Expert Meeting on Training requirements for Translators, in Hamburg, 27th of March, 2019.
VIMMP was present at EMMC Expert Meeting held in Hamburg at 27th of March.
For more information visit:
EMMC International Workshop 2019, in Vienna, 25th to 27th of February.
VIMMP was present at the EMMC International Workshop 2019 in Vienna.
For more information visit:
M12 Meeting in Paris, France, 15 of January, 2019.

Marking the completion of first year of the project, the partners met with the project’s European Commission Officer, Mrs. Anne de Baas in Paris, on January 15th 2019. During this one-day meeting, the partners and European Commission had the opportunity to have a round table discussion and elaborate on the project’s achievements, foreseen actions and other considerations.
EMMC Workshop – Industrial Views and Needs for Translation, in Eindhoven, Netherlands, 4 th of December 2018.
Martin Thomas Horsch (STFC), Silvia Chiacchiera (STFC), Michael Seaton (STFC), Ilian Todorov (STFC) and Ali Karimi (CONTI) attended the EMMC Workshop on Industrial Views and Needs for Translation.
For more information visit:
CECAM – EMMC Workshop on Coupling and Linking , Lausanne, Switzerland, 8th to 9th of November, 2018.
Our STFC partners Martin Thomas Horsch, Silvia Chiacchiera, Michael Seaton and Ilian Todorov were present at the CECAM – EMMC Workshop.
For more information visit:
tIntOP2018: EMMC-CSA Workshop on Marketplaces and Interoperability, Freiburg, Germany, 6th to 7th of November 2018.ext
Martin T. Horsch (STFC) and Silvia Chiacchiera (STFC), as well as Welchy L. Cavalcanti (IFAM) attended the IntOP2018.
For more information visit:
M9 Meeting in Bremen, Germany,
10 of October to 12 of October, 2018.

The 2nd VIMMP Progress Meeting took place at the premises of the coordinator Fraunhofer IFAM in Bremen, Germany. During the M9 meeting the VIMMP partners discussed the ongoing achievements and next steps related to needs of VIMMP marketplace components e.g. ontologies for marketplaces services, integration of industrial requirements, metadata standards and the VIMMP data model.
M6 Meeting in Zurich,
Switzerland, 12 of June, 2018.

The VIMMP first progress meeting and technical review meeting took place at the premises of IBM, CH. During the meeting, lasting from June 11th to June 13th, the consortium partners thoroughly discussed the first developments of the project’s activities, as these are divided among the various Work Packages. At this point various activities already started in parallel and the project advances in identifying models and simulation tools, evaluating the best approach for a marketplace portal and defining the industrial uses cases.
Kick-Off Meeting in Brussels,
Belgium, 18 of January, 2018.

The VIMMP project was officially launched during its Kick-Off meeting which took place on January 18th 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. During the meeting the partners had the opportunity to elaborate on the technical activities and organization of the project. VIMMP will establish a powerful digital marketplace serving beneficiaries from different manufacturing industry sectors. The digital marketplace enables an effective and widespread use of materials modelling by facilitating the exchange between providers and consumers of products and services and easing the uptake of knowledge and tools.